Saturday, November 28, 2009 4:10 AM
I've updated .
Days passed really passed as I finally got my stress to the limit which I
never thought it might reach , to a level till my SimCard & Laptop kana
confiscated , sial uh . Now I wanna download songs also hard . Shitos
mannn ! It's been hard , so hard for me to contact Ayu now . Texted
Troy not long ago , he told me Sya got home early in the morning already ,
my mind got into an ease for a moment and got myself to stress
when Ayu didnt reply my message ) : sad much , but i cant do anything .
Hadn't spoken to my dad much today .. Or you can say eversince the'shortrunaway' i had .
Afternoon of 25 , went to Causeway with Sya , had so much fun
there ! seriously , we didnt shop there with money but eyes . Then ,
we head back to Marsiling , my house .. Met Dyana , my sister for
awhile at Civic Centre & went to the library , Sya had a short lecture
with Abg Eizman for awhile , hahaha :D Then , we headed home .
By the time i almost reached home .. I was surprised to receive a
call from my dad , I began to felt that something is just isnt right ,
so I checked the carpark near my flat , and yes , as I can see ,
my dad's car and bike was there .. I panicked the minute I saw
my dad calling me repeatedly . As I panicked , I called my sister
up , she told me to get back to Causeway Point , so I told her everything .
Blablabla , we stayed and talked , me and Sya was like seriously
thinking , because Sya has Troy for backup , because she called
him earlier on and he already got himself ready the food and stuff .
I've got a bad feeling about that anyway and that makes me thinking
more and more , soon after , my sister and co. brought us somewhere else ..
Away from CP .
We ended up slacking in an open void deck , Sya was panicking .
Ate and sat there , had some time charging my phone , hehehe ,
I always got ready the charger y'know , even to school
I bring it :D hahaha ! Anyway , back to the story .. I had to piss ,
so me and Sya headed back to civic centre , went to the toilet
near the macdonalds .. We washed our face and pee-ed there . Hahah !
bad english Yana .. -.- Let's make it short here , went back to my sister ,
and told her i wanna go home , we reached to the void deck , went somewhere ,
settled down , and i suddenly felt scared to step into the
house .. So , my plan was to wait till my parents go to work , so i accompanied
Sya .. Blablabla , we went to Yan's place which is the same block as me ..
Then , we asked him if we could charge my phone at his place . While
charging , I told Sya to give me ten seconds to rest , i rested , by the time
i woke up , i felt myself like i was in a dream a few minutes back .
Hahahah ! Then , Sya and I pitied Yan , cos he was like laying on the
floor looking so tired and so on , me and Sya get back the phone from
him , and by then it was 425am in the morning . We headed to Shell ,
while we were walking , we coincidentally met my older step brother ,
he just got off his friend's bike , we got NOWHERE to hide , no choice ,
stupid but seriously no choice , we hid under a stupid tree xD ! He saw
us , blablablabla , and he didnt know that my whole family was finding
for me .. So , i just texted him not to mention anything to my dad , he
was like 'okay' . After me and sya did our stuff in the toilet , we headed
back to my block , and we rested awhile till 7am , my sister called me
up , and asked where was i , at about 730 she was with us already ..
She went inside the house to help me check who's in the house , so i
can get in . She told me that it was my brother , the one who saw me
and sya , only was at home . So , i get in , and had a bath with Sya ,
we ate awhile , and i send her to woodlands interchange till her bus
came , she headed to Troy's place .. I got home , and I slept till it as like
7pm .. I woke up , and did some light chores . And ate , and slept till my
parents got home . Didnt bother them much , i continued sleeping on
the bed till the next morning which was today , i mean yesterday ,
which was Hari Raya Haji .. My sister woke me up to tell me that
my Simcard was taken away by my dad , while my laptop was taken
since the day I got home from the short runaway . So , that's that man .
Damn , I knew I shouldn't have panicked my way till how it brings my
feelings to this state . I miss my boyf so much , can't life be much
more faster ? I miss school and my friends man . It's like , my friends
are my family while my family is like my friends . I don't know man ..
All I want now is to hug my boyf now . Hahaha , been missing him
so much , the last time I met him was like , weeks back . Anyway ,
as per normal , I got to go , parents are waking up . Whose laptop
am I using ? My step sister's (: normally I use mine while she use
hers and we'll be in the net till morning man . HAHAH . Bye (: