Friday, December 4, 2009 2:25 AM
At last I hugged him !

Went to CausewayPoint with my sister , met up with my sister's
boyf . We arrived like 2 plus in the afternoon , jyah . I waited
and waited , I was so focused on people going up and down the
elevator and walking around , damn ! It got me dizzy mannn .
Hahahaha ! At about like , 4 plus he came . Who ?

Alah , have lah , why must I tell
you (: My boyf ! :D miss him seyh ,
like haven't see him for like one or
two or three months . Yay me !
I get my HUGHUG , he came with
Farid anyways . Jyah .
Well , after they came I felt like no
mood kinda thing .. I dont know ,
like who not pissed off kan .. people datang lambat , then yah .. So at Macs , tried to entertain
them , then , my sis and her boyf and me gonna eat , then he and Farid like , sat at different
table .___. After my sister finished eating , she headed off with her boyf to somewhere I dont
know where , then we went separate ways from there luhs . So I sat with Farid and my boyf
there .. Then , they like dowant to eat , of cos they want -.- then I like keep asking them wanna
eat anot again and again and again UNTIL they wanna eat . Then my mission failed ! I actually
wasnt hungry , hahaha , so i didnt finish my burger , so I gave them and my sister left a burger ,
wasnt eaten yet . So , they shared :D Then we headed to Civic library .
Then , we spent our time in the library , hahaha , I was actually wanting the air-con . I almost
fell asleep mannn . Then , I searched books on cats , super cute uh ! veryveryvery cute !
Hahahah , my boyf is kinda good in history mann , I dont even bother about Singapore's
stories when he told me about the war thing , was it the war thingy ? i think so , i was like :O
Hahah ! :D
After that we headed to CausewayPoint again and had a walk around .. Hahaha , then we
watched concert y'know , jealous anot ? hahah ! SESAMESTREET . Elmo have this and that also
have but biggy birdy no have -.- stupid big bird . Hahaha ! Farid record video of the thing ..
-.- DIAO . I miss my bby's hug ! I shouldve hugged longer mannnn . Then , met up with my
sister and her boyf at 7eleven . Then , slacked near the mrt awhile , then Abg Halif went home .
jyeap . Then , my sister dragged me to the bazaar . I was kinda shocked to see my brother
working there , the Phantom guy yah . Then i was finding for my boyf and farid y'know , I
cannot see b'cos my glasses was with Farid . Then ,we slacked awhile .. then we went off to
woodlands interchange ) : *sobsob* felt like dragging him home and thon outside my house
with me ! then i can hug him more and i wont have to see my mother's face again ! :D
Then , yeap ! Baby,imissyoumannn !
I hate it to text you every start of the morning , like after my parents got
to sleep and I have to secretly get my dad's phone and text you , and before
my parents wakes up for work , we've to end there and continue the next
morning . I want my simcard back mannn D ' :
- Alif ! thanks if you would like to buy for me a new number ,but its okay (= I'll try to save up money . Love ya Bro .