Know that the pain will pass and when it passes ,
you will become stronger , happier , more sensitive and aware .
I never really knew you ,
You were just another friend ,
But when I got to know you ,
I let my heart unbend .
I couldn't help past memories ,
that would only make me cry ,
I had to forget my first love ,
and give love another try ,
So I've fallen in love with you ,
and I'll never let you go ,
I love you more than anyone ,
I just had to let you know ,
And if you ever wonder why ,
I don't know what I'll say ,
But I'll never stop loving you ,
each and every day ,
My feelings for you will never change ,
Just know my feelings are true ,
Just remember one thing ,
I Love You !
To passerby aka sya sucks , your name itself doesn't make much sense . In a full term 'passerby as known as sya sucks' ? Meaning ? Hello , you're english is poorer than I've ever thought . Oh , me depressed ? No (: I'm never depressed , can't you simply read my blog , reader ? I'm perfectly enjoying my life like how I should ages ago ! You telling me off with a 'depressed' ?! Oh no no , if you're gonna think it that way then I don't think you've understood my blog posts here . You can go on reading this crap , go on .. Reply whatever shit you want on my Tagboard , oh I understand people with 'passerby' as their name so much , you guys just don't have much attention back at home (: See , I told you I'm understanding you more than your grandmother . Thank you .
When we touch, in the dark
Baby you're blowing my mind
Wish I could freeze you and me
In this moment in time
You got it, what I want
Give it up, shorty
Step it up, for me
and I'll give you everything
All my life, All my love
I give you my fortune and fame
I'd even give you my name
Girl you take me higher
Than I've ever been before
My feet don't touch the floor
We'll Flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
The sky's the limit
The sky's the limit
Girl you take me
Up Up Up Uuuup Up Up Uuuup Up
Now right at this moment , 5:35am ! Finished watching Another Cinderella Story , again . It was still as nice . I wanna watch it again , maybe later . Bored to the maximum here and my babyboy is sleeping like a log at home , teehee :B I miss him truckloads down here , tired and having the good feeling of 'Putting informations in and test it again and again' kind of thing . You don't get it do you ?.. I've just finished doing and re-making the class blog ! and updated about the camp . I'm using my dad's laptop , and I don't know why there are irritating ants all over the screen and keyboard ~ damn irritatingggg gaaaaah D:<
Adam sent me a message through Tagged recently , I was omg-ing because it was so random of him to still remember me , not in a bad way lahh .. as in , we haven't been contacting since I don't know when , the same goes to Mil . Miss you guys ! Meet up soon , okay ?
Syafiqah Adilah Bte Amran , I really do miss you babe ! Sorry if I didn't contact you much or get myself online , but um .. hola ~ haha , I'm going to Malaysia this Friday to Sunday (: and then , your turn for a week . I guess ? yup . Let's all slack again soon ! and .. yah .
Now , I've updated and need to wake my mum up for work , and hey , my parents are like robots , they get up early for work , get home at 11 plus at night and sleep , and get up in the morning to get back to work again and again :D I wanna be a billionaire so I could buy lotsa hearts for my boyfriend ! random .
Falling in love is like
jumping off a really
tall building,
your brain tells
you it is not a good idea,
but your heart tells you,
you can fly.