Know that the pain will pass and when it passes ,
you will become stronger , happier , more sensitive and aware .
I'm saying this once and for all.So what do you want from me, from us that you are now hating so much. If you want me to say sorry to you although I have no idea what I did wrong, you tell me. You're saying I'm childish? YES I AM, and so what? I'm still young, why be mature.. You don't have to be matured at all times, if you do, you'll go crazy. If you don't know what is the meaning of matured, you should go and Google it. You don't have to talk behind MY back now. That proves that you are no different from me or the others.
Brian Joetasia; A single word can hurt someone"s feelings.I cried while I was typing and listening to Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are. I don't know if I am being nice or harsh |: sigh.. Maybe I was used to how my ex boyfriends treat me. I'm scared that he'll be the same just like the other guys. The other guys meaning, they say all those sweetly old things, build some trust in me towards him, and then when he knows that I trust him so much, he'll leave. I'm sick and tired of those guys, Malay typical guys. I don't know.. All I know now is to pray hard that my grades are high, revise and recap for DNT and MT paper tomorrow. When was the last time I've cried as heavy as this man. I got to go now.
2 hours ago via Facebook for iPhone · Comment · Like
Jasmine Chee Shi Min and Kit Yee Heartbroken like this.
oJasmine Chee Shi Min - Glad you know! please tell this to APPLE! hahaha(: * NOT EDWIN! the real APPLE.
2 hours ago · Like
oMariana Joeytasia - Sorry )'= I'm sorry if I hurt you with my words. I'm sorry if I am being harsh on you. I am sorry if I took you away from your friends. I am sorry if every single thing I do or say to you actually had a deadly pinch to your heart. I am sorry if I am being uncaring towards you Brian. I am really sorry if I've never said sorry to every mistake that I've made to you. I am sorry if I were to just ignore you and walk off without saying a thing or look back at you. But I've never hated you, I've never thought of making you cry, not even once.. Every time I saw you shedding a single tear, I'll be wiping it off for you and try to make things better. Maybe I didn't understand you much. No matter how much you think that I am having mood swing or pissed off, you know deep down, I'm still loving you more than anyone I've liked or loved. All those guys you thought I had a crush on so much, was all a lie. You know I've never wanted to hurt you. I tried to change, you changed me to be a better person. You are my world, I swear. I am quiet because I thought I should know when to talk and when to listen and feel. I miss your hugs. You're amazing, no matter how cheapskate you are, no matter how silly, how dumb. You are stupid, hah, but I am teaching you in every way I can.. I made you cry, I wiped your tears away, you made me cry, you made me laugh, you made me sad, you always make me happy, you made me frown, you made me smile. I've never regretted being with you, you're the guy that I wanted to stare at always. I've moved on.. Happy 5 months again, thanks for the gift though, don't act cute by using envelope to actually write a note. Hah :'D I love you.
55 minutes ago · Like
Had Science paper and ELC today. In the morning my class sat outside the exam room for morning assemble, everyone was like doing more of last minute revision on Science. It was awkward because I think my class was the only class who was actually revising, no offense, like seriously.
Time is running outttt, I need new handphone, I want Ipodt4! I don't wanna disappoint Mr Lee by not beating the guys, well.. he wanted me to. I'll try! Science, I hope I will pass, same to all of the other subjects. Stressing out 1 week in the whole of 10 months, and then I can enjoy every single shitt I want.
Suffer first, enjoy later.
I miss my boyfriend and I love him, he's mine. He got nice brownie eyes, and straight hair, and good heart ^^ He makes me smile everyday. Hehe. I will pass, I will pass, I will passsss. My boyfriend is the sweetest, in me.
I remembered when I thought my life was on the edge of a tall cliff, I wasn't moving on. I've learned from my mistakes and now I am much more careful. I know how my life is now.
What I want? I want to have good grades till my dad has got nothing to say about my report card. He knows I know what is wrong and right. You basically come to school to study and learn, you have no right to create fights with your teachers because it is good enough that they're sharing their knowledge to you. Why couldn't your parent's do it? Your parent's actually paid to a bunch of teachers to teach you knowledge and what is right and wrong. I don't understand why people care about their looks too much rather than studying and spending their time listening to the teachers and pass your examinations then get good grades, get a stable and good jobs and shoooo all foreigners! No offence, but they are taking over Singapore. That just happens when Singaporeans starts being choosy and lazy and then complain that more 'hardworking' and 'capable' workers takes over your place and it's hard to find a job. Tell me people, which job isn't tiring? All jobs are tiring, it just depends on yourself.
I believe that I can change and be different than what others think.
I got to go now, need more practice for Mathematics and get ready for tomorrow! Time to gain confidence baby. I can count on myself, I am independent, I am responsible and I can do it. There's nothing wrong with being kiasu, prevention is better than cure. Love you, Readers and Bloggers.
P/S; I love my boyfriend.
Freed with a little of stress in me :D Examination is this Monday! I wanna pass, hoping I could get most A's or my dad is gonna yell it all out on me. Anyway, today went out with my baby boyyyy, teehee. Went to do Science homework in the library(: cool huh? I miss him still, although we're in the same school and see each other everyday in class and after school and at home on web-cam! I still miss him :D I love his shirt smell I do not know why -.-
I love this guy man, this Brian David Tay guy. He's epic! Should've brought camera, he was a gay for a moment. SUPERGAY. Haha! After we went to the library, we went to slack near my house and we talked about life stuff and what we used to do when we were kids and such. Haha, every moment was precious. Time passed so fast that it was 8 when we went home. I love him (:
If you ever see him, if you ever meet him,I am being too sensitive. Most of every single word and action he said and did to perempuan yang lain really made me cemburu. I know I'm easily jealous-ed lah, but I can't help it. I'm still trying to overcome this stupid jealousy ok. Anyway, she's my kawan, sama class pulak tu. Alah, Sya.. kalau kau tak tawu pun, si muke penyet tu. Entah lah. I'm just overreacting towards something neutral and normal. Dah tu, tadi itu perempuan and my mataer balek same2. Menyampah betul ku melihat. Haha. I'm being weird and he won't like it, so I should just keep it to myself, right? YES :(
If you ever get a chance to sit down and talk to him,
Let him know it's so cold, here without him,
And tell him I miss him,tell him I want him,
to come back, back to keep me warm,
Tell him I'm sorry, I'm really sorry,
Can you forgive me? Please forgive me,
and come back beside me, back to keep me warm.
I'll try to love you more.