Wednesday, November 2, 2011 4:39 AM
Moved to Bukit Merah.

Hello readers :) Here's a quick update. These days, I've been going through a lot of hardships. Ever since I moved to Bukit Merah I had to live without computer, Internet connection and I can't really update myself with net-world. I barely get myself on Facebook too. Why? 86% of the time I got on Facebook, I would get myself frustrated, heart-broken, misunderstandings and some other non-positive thoughts. So, I had rather avoid myself with Facebook.
I've been crying every night. Thinking and missing of my old times, well not that old. I wanted to go home, to my dad's, I somehow sensed that there are minimum chances of me getting myself back in the house. I've been finding jobs, went for interviews, find more jobs, went for more interviews. I want money. I have to use money. To have money, I have to work for it.
Other than money, as usual, there won't be any posts without me mentioning about my boyfriend right? Aliff and I are still together, good. Insya'allah we will last long. Amin.. We've been having some difficulties in getting through each other these days. He's usually not home, busy, sleeping. Hahahaha :D
Thanks to my dad, he borrowed me his broadband :) I appreciate it a lot! I can tell ya, there is nothing here. I could die of boredom. Alright, I've got to get back to deleting old photos on my Facebook, it needs some cleaning up.