Thursday, July 12, 2012 3:34 PM
It's either ending or just a start

You will never know how it feels like to finally realise when you've taken the wrong road. You will never feel how terrible I feel every ticking day, how you can fantasies the difference if you hadn't taken that path. Nobody will understand my situation, not even the one closest to me. If I could call karma to do her job, you wouldn't live a day getting ideas of suicide if you'd been in my shoes. I used to have plans, meaningful, beautiful, logical and workable sets of plans and goals which I should work for by taking baby steps at a time.
It's all different now.
And common people would just blame me and say, "You deserved it." Do I? I still wanna wear those brands all over me and not Bugis all-time. I still wanna Tumblr and Tweet all night, but it's all gonna change to baby cries all morning. I still wanna continue my skills at ITE and take small steps upgrading myself, but who is going to look after my baby girl?
Practically, my life is over. It's not gonna be all about me now, it's gonna be her, her and all her.
My another major worry is him. My future to be husband. The questions are: How is he going to cope financially for our baby, home, us, daily needs. $50 a day won't get us anywhere. and also his anger management and behaviour. Nothing is lightening my shoulders. It's all falling hard on me.
I'm not sure if I should just keep holding on or let go. It's stupid to hold on to something that just keep hurting me. But it's also stupid to let go of something that I've always love.
Labels: crucial time hurt love blind future logic teen