Know that the pain will pass and when it passes ,
you will become stronger , happier , more sensitive and aware .
all that i've tried was just to be the best for you. if you think that i wasted my money on buying gifts for you on any random day, your birthday and valentines then I really think it's a waste, why? because you didnt APPRECIATE my hard thought of love for you. But don't you worry, that'll be the last time that I will ever buy a single gift for you. You said that the reason that you're not home always was because I am always working. Shouldn't you be thankful for that? Shouldn't you THINK thoroughly about the way you THINK about me? can you just tell me something that i can understand? Why are you being so mean towards all that i am sacrificing? I am doing this not just for myself, but i had to duplicate myself into many parts to work for, for you, for our babies, for us and for our future! i am trying to upgrade myself and work. we are living an expensive island called Singapore. why are you not thinking good enough of me? you said i slept with another guy and your mum saw me and we divorced? and you didn't even own up (mengaku) that I am your legal wife! why? i am still shutting myself up from ALL, literally ALL of your bullshits which no other girls can deal with. If you really want to divorce me, go ahead. I am ready.
Suay-est month of all. How could this all happened at one go? Hais. Planned for husband's birthday, but a bitch called up, he said it was my fault and he didnt stayed and i couldnt celebrate his birthday. Then, it was my job? hais. Suay, suay. Suay! I quit my job. Can i quit my life?
Great, he is gone. And i celebrated my sister in law's birthday instead of both my husband and her. Why must things be so screwed up? I don't mind if you get out even when i have planned for you a surprise. But! what made me so pissed off is the fact of you giving me a very very stupid reason.
She called and screamed baby at me thinking i was you. Next, she knew that she is calling you, which is ichal. How could she had mistaken that fucking fact? Why can't i just call her? Cant i get her phone number to clarify some matter? So all these while you were out with her?! GO AHEAD AND LIVE WITH HER AND SPEND YOUR TIME WITH HER. GO. I BEGGED YOU TO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE THAT HELPS ME TO HEAL MY FUCKING BROKEN HEART. ONE SHIT AFTER ONE SHIT AND YOU SAY THAT ITS MY FUCKING FAULT. FUCK YOU. I HATE BOYS, LITERALLY BOYS, LIKE YOU. I HATE YOU.
Labels: pissed birthday surprise fail bitch boys love hurt bad fucking mood singapore maricelana